Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Miscarriage: maintaining your pregnancy

Miscarriages happen more than you know. It is very devastating and most people do not talk about it if they have experienced one. I went through a very hard time a few years ago, when my husband and I were trying to conceive. We ended up having 2 miscarriages, back to back, and we started losing hope fast. My OBGYN talked to both my husband and I. She kept trying to convince both of us that nothing was wrong and these things happen. She told us to keep trying. I ended up going to a natural food/herb store and speaking with a sales lady regarding my emotions as well as preventative measures we could take. She was so understanding and had dealt with many cases just like mine. She recommended my husband and I to take the herb, Damiana to improve his sperm and my egg health. This also increased his sperm count as well.  I was told that after a positive pregnancy test, to terminate taking damiana. She also said it was important for me to take, Red Raspberry Leaf, which comes in a pill form and in a tea. This is safe to continue throughout your pregnancy. Red Raspberry Leaf contains many minerals and vitamins, including vitamin C and calcium. It also contains an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone to the uterus, improve it's health and increases fertility.
I was so excited about a month or two after my husband and I started taking these herbs...I was pregnant! Now we have 2 healthy little girls. I have recommended these herbs to a few friends of mine who also had difficulty maintaining there pregnancies and they also have enjoyed health pregnancies! Good luck and keep the faith!

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