Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Benefits of Silica

Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element found on the planet. Silica is silicon and oxygen combined, also known as silicon dioxide. It is found in our bones, as well as connective tissue, making it the general fiber of hair, skin, and nails. The average human body is made up of seven grams of silica by weight. When we consume silica in foods or silica supplements, our body takes what it needs, and flushes out the rest of this water-soluble nutrient. Like the macro-minerals, such as iron and calcium, silica is used all the time, and needs to be constantly replenished.
There are no known adverse affects of supplementing our diet with this trace mineral. In fact, as we age, silica in the body slowly diminishes, which leads to parched, wrinkled skin, brittle nails and bones, and dull hair. Silica supplements can remedy these symptoms, by not only sustaining connective tissue, but replenishing it. Silica is found in some foods; mainly whole grains such as brown rice and oats, but also soy, green leafy vegetables, bell peppers, apples, carrots, honey, cucumbers, almonds, onions, and alfalfa.

Silica is a foundational mineral for beauty and youth. It is vital for glowing skin, rich, glossy hair, and strong nails - traits that we all have while young, but seem to lose as we age. Although it is a trace mineral, it is still difficult to get enough from food sources alone, unless you consume brown rice and oats on a daily basis. Supplementing with this mineral can turn this aging process around, by supplying the elements for beautiful, younger-looking features.
Aside from the cosmetic benefits of silica supplements, adequate silica is necessary for strong bones, strong, flexible joints, and the prevention of osteoporosis. This mineral actually enhances both vitamin D and calcium, the two more well-known nutrients for bone health.. Without silica, they are hardly enough to prevent a weakening of the bones. Through maintaining bone and joint health, this mineral not only helps to prevent problems, but it also reduces the pain of both osteoarthritis and rheumatism.
Silica is also necessary for cardiovascular and lung health. Taking supplements can help to fortify blood vessels, improving circulation and strengthening the heart; they nourish the lungs by helping to repair lung tissue. There are also benefits of taking silica supplements for potential Alzheimer's patients. Aluminum, which is found in some drinking water, is known to contribute to this brain disease when consumed over a period of time. Silica counteracts aluminum.
The health benefits of silica supplements will not manifest overnight, but over time, plentiful supplies of this mineral can slow signs of the aging process and prevent common degenerative diseases.

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