Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Benefits of Silica

Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element found on the planet. Silica is silicon and oxygen combined, also known as silicon dioxide. It is found in our bones, as well as connective tissue, making it the general fiber of hair, skin, and nails. The average human body is made up of seven grams of silica by weight. When we consume silica in foods or silica supplements, our body takes what it needs, and flushes out the rest of this water-soluble nutrient. Like the macro-minerals, such as iron and calcium, silica is used all the time, and needs to be constantly replenished.
There are no known adverse affects of supplementing our diet with this trace mineral. In fact, as we age, silica in the body slowly diminishes, which leads to parched, wrinkled skin, brittle nails and bones, and dull hair. Silica supplements can remedy these symptoms, by not only sustaining connective tissue, but replenishing it. Silica is found in some foods; mainly whole grains such as brown rice and oats, but also soy, green leafy vegetables, bell peppers, apples, carrots, honey, cucumbers, almonds, onions, and alfalfa.

Silica is a foundational mineral for beauty and youth. It is vital for glowing skin, rich, glossy hair, and strong nails - traits that we all have while young, but seem to lose as we age. Although it is a trace mineral, it is still difficult to get enough from food sources alone, unless you consume brown rice and oats on a daily basis. Supplementing with this mineral can turn this aging process around, by supplying the elements for beautiful, younger-looking features.
Aside from the cosmetic benefits of silica supplements, adequate silica is necessary for strong bones, strong, flexible joints, and the prevention of osteoporosis. This mineral actually enhances both vitamin D and calcium, the two more well-known nutrients for bone health.. Without silica, they are hardly enough to prevent a weakening of the bones. Through maintaining bone and joint health, this mineral not only helps to prevent problems, but it also reduces the pain of both osteoarthritis and rheumatism.
Silica is also necessary for cardiovascular and lung health. Taking supplements can help to fortify blood vessels, improving circulation and strengthening the heart; they nourish the lungs by helping to repair lung tissue. There are also benefits of taking silica supplements for potential Alzheimer's patients. Aluminum, which is found in some drinking water, is known to contribute to this brain disease when consumed over a period of time. Silica counteracts aluminum.
The health benefits of silica supplements will not manifest overnight, but over time, plentiful supplies of this mineral can slow signs of the aging process and prevent common degenerative diseases.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vegan-Based Protein

So many people relate protein powders with shakes....but you can also add them to food. This is a great way to add extra protein that your body needs. I sell a Vegan-based Protein Powder which is a healthy blend that offers 20 grams of protein from three unique natural protein sources, including golden pea, rice bran and cranberry. There are also 2 important nutrients in this powder that are very beneficial. Kelp ~ a mineral with lots of vitamins and minerals. Kelp also produces a natural source of iodine...this is essential for thyroid and pituitary gland function which helps regulate the body's temperature. A natural high iodine content of Kelp actually helps it act as an antibiotic and will kill infections.  Alfalfa ~ contains 8 amino acids and rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. Alfalfa also has medicinal properties which aid in reducing cholesterol, reducing blood clotting, treating kidney stones,  protection against atherosclerosis, easing menopausal symptoms, controlling diabetes, reducing swelling and inflammation associated with rheumatism, relieving digestive tract disorders and riding the body of excess fluid.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am a strong believer in this product. I am currently taking Fenugreek and did when I was breastfeeding my oldest daughter. Fenugreek allows you to breastfeed for a longer period of time by increasing your milk production. It is not harmful to your baby. Fenugreek is used to treat bronchitis, coughs, respiratory problems, sinus conditions and increase milk supply.

Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply.  Scientists do not know for sure how this happens. It has been found that fenugreek can increase a nursing mother's milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after first taking the herb.  Many women today take fenugreek in a pill form (ground seeds placed in capsules). The pills can be found at most vitamin and nutrition stores and at many supermarkets and natural foods stores.  Fenugreek can also be taken in tea form, although tea is believed to be less potent than the pills and the tea comes with a bitter taste that can be hard to stomach.

Fenugreek is not right for everyone.  The herb has caused aggravated asthma symptoms in some women and has lowered blood glucose levels in some women with diabetes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Miscarriage: maintaining your pregnancy

Miscarriages happen more than you know. It is very devastating and most people do not talk about it if they have experienced one. I went through a very hard time a few years ago, when my husband and I were trying to conceive. We ended up having 2 miscarriages, back to back, and we started losing hope fast. My OBGYN talked to both my husband and I. She kept trying to convince both of us that nothing was wrong and these things happen. She told us to keep trying. I ended up going to a natural food/herb store and speaking with a sales lady regarding my emotions as well as preventative measures we could take. She was so understanding and had dealt with many cases just like mine. She recommended my husband and I to take the herb, Damiana to improve his sperm and my egg health. This also increased his sperm count as well.  I was told that after a positive pregnancy test, to terminate taking damiana. She also said it was important for me to take, Red Raspberry Leaf, which comes in a pill form and in a tea. This is safe to continue throughout your pregnancy. Red Raspberry Leaf contains many minerals and vitamins, including vitamin C and calcium. It also contains an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone to the uterus, improve it's health and increases fertility.
I was so excited about a month or two after my husband and I started taking these herbs...I was pregnant! Now we have 2 healthy little girls. I have recommended these herbs to a few friends of mine who also had difficulty maintaining there pregnancies and they also have enjoyed health pregnancies! Good luck and keep the faith!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Can't Sleep?...

For better sleep, the body needs healthy foods and nutrients. Many nutrients are known to have a calming effect on the nervous system and help promote good sleep. Whole foods contain many of these natural insomnia cures, but supplements are also available to ensure that you obtain the proper dietary amounts. Calcium and magnesium taken 45 minutes before bedtime have a tranquilizing effect. Use a 2:1 ratio, such as 500 mg of calcium and 250 mg of magnesium in tablet or capsule form.

Calcium is nature's tranquilizer. Some feel that calcium is best absorbed in the evening, suggesting that the folk medicine suggestion of a glass of milk before bedtime might be a good idea. Natural forms of calcium are dairy foods as well as green vegetables and sesame. A spoon of sesame seeds has ten times the calcium as a similar amount of milk. Spinach is also high in calcium. Take 1000 milligrams of calcium daily.
Magnesium is needed to absorb calcium. Many calcium supplements also contain magnesium. Epsom salts are made of magnesium and an Epsom salt bath is one way to absorb magnesium. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant as well as important for balancing blood sugar and blood pressure. Natural sources of magnesium are halibut, peanuts, whole grains, spinach, bananas, avocados, and nuts and seeds. Diabetes and those on diuretics need to insure proper intake of magnesium, as much magnesium is lost through urine. Symptoms of deficiency are muscle spasms, nausea and loss of appetite.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Wonderful "little" Websites

Starfall is a free website to motivate children to read with phonics. There approach, in conjunction with phonemic awareness practice is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, special education, homeschool, and English language development (ELD, ELL, ESL). They also have a Kindergarten Reading and Language Arts Curriculum. The lesson plans motivate kindergarten children by creating an atmosphere of fun and enthusiasm, providing opportunities for child-directed instruction, and facilitating the needs of English language learners and struggling readers learning alongside their peers.

Hubbard's Cubbard is a free, Christian based website designed to be a resource for early childhood educators and parents. Provides very creative educational activities for preschool, kindergarten and more. Hubbard's Cubbard focuses on family involvement, literacy, math, christian resources and social studies.